Another post from the Contracts guy....
So there we were, enduring yet another gut-wrenching “all hands meeting.” Clearly, this is not exactly the most effective use of time, particularly when you’re sitting on Wal Mart plastic funeral chairs that were designed to make mourners even more miserable, rather than offer an inviting spot to plant your big fat ass. The boss says his piece, then finishes with this line: “Well, that’s all I have, if anybody has questions…” Now a sane, rational person would seize on this golden opportunity to shut the fuck up and allow the segway into our departure to take control, but as we know, Martin has special qualities that prevent him from doing anything of the sort.
It’s not important what Martin asked the boss, and even less important what the boss said. What IS noteworthy here is the subsequent flood of questions from others. Everyone was quite content to let the meeting die out so we could make our hasty retreat, but events tend to take control of life. Like the sword of Damocles, Martin piped up with some prattle about outsourcing and killed us all.
“NO!” I screamed, “Don’t do it!” But it was too late. Like the Eder dam, pounded by the concussion of British demolition bombs in WWII, leaks began to appear. Soon, the rivulets became a torrent, and all the weasel-shit attendees spewed forth their inane snivels, thanks to Martin’s sense of timing, and his willingness to complete his pathfinder mission. In seconds, a dim-witted fat bastard engaged the boss in a spirited exchange of ideas regarding vacation time, and another tapped his toe, waiting for a chance to further fuck it up for all of us.
Meanwhile, Martin took the liberty of leaving the building. Like the snotty little neighborhood kid who runs through your back yard with a broomstick, beating the shit out of hornet’s nests and running away, he was spared the venom of the sting – we were left to deal with the aftermath. Plans are being made at this very moment to pay Martin off for his corrupted views on meeting etiquette. It will be bloody…