Accident Waiting to Happen

Friday, May 12, 2006

Hot Pants!

It seems there is a theme to Martin's mayhem--fire. Martin was relaying a story to me about this one time at band camp...

Martin was driving his car and had a buddy sitting with him in the front passenger seat. The windows were down, the radio was on and they were cruising down some country lane.

If it hasn't been mentioned before, Martin likes to smoke, and naturally, what better way to accentuate a nice drive than to enjoy a cigarette. He's done, so he flicks the 'butt' out the open window.

A few minutes later his friend begins to shriek in pain about his crotch being on fire and starts batting at his lap. Evidently the butt Martin flicked out the window got sucked back into the car and landed in his buddies lap where it smoldered for a few minutes before it burned through his jeans then heating up his tender bits.

Martin said he learned a valuable lesson that day; to always flick your butts straight up... uh, wouldn't the lesson have been not to flick butts at all?


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